Friday, July 5, 2013

Collectd, Graphite, Tasseo, Etsy Dashboard, Vacuumetrix

My current visualization suite is made up of 4 tools:


The open source graphing darling serves us well. Feed it metrics, make API calls to turn them into graphs. Do one thing and do it well!


Collectd runs on every instance, gathering system stats and reporting them to graphite. We went with Collectd because right out of the box it did about 90% of what we wanted, and the remaining 10% was easily addressable via some simple Python based plugins.

This is how disk capacity, free memory, load and other basic health checks get sent to graphite.


Vacuumetrix pulls stats out of AWS and feeds them into graphite. Good for looking at Elastic Load Balancers, RDS instances and other things where we can't install our own tools.

Etsy Dashboard

We used the Etsy Dashboard project to make some generic "Here's how this instance looks" pages. Go to the dashboard for prod-loghost and you'll see disk I/O, free mem, load, network in/out and all the other things that people like to look at when assessing a particular system.


Tasseo is the current NOC monitor / high level overview of the system. On one screen you can see a reasonable view of everything, which is extremely convenient.

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